Sunday, February 3, 2013

This is One Nasty Flu Bug!

Here we are in Belize before the flu kept us from leaving the house for a week.  Little did I know that I would still be carrying this virus days after returning to SF.  I have had a resurgence of the aches, cough and runny nose.  One difference is that I have a full arsenal of flu killers here at home.  Golden seal and chopped raw garlic killed off whatever amoebas had hitchhiked home in my tummy.  A friend brought me a king-size pack of oscillococcinum from France which I am ingesting every six hours along with kevita probiotic drink, chopped liver, fermented cod liver oil, vitamin C, green & white tea and gallons of water with lemon oil.  Take that you flu bug!
For lunch I prepared papperadele with cream cheese artichoke pesto and chopped liver. A side order of soup brought to me by a friend and bone broth that bubbled for six hours yesterday.  I will also have a bowl of pineapple but it will not be nearly as sweet or intense as the Belizian pineapple.