Friday, March 11, 2011

The Calm Unbeknown to the Storm

As I sit here on the marina facing the San Francisco bay it hardly seems as though today is different from any other day. Tourists bicycle by, a mother pushes her toddler in a stroller.  The only sign that anything is amiss is the yellow tape and park ranger car parked at the entrance to the marina. Could it really be that devastation has taken place not so far from here? The news footage would have me believe so. I fear, tough that decades of disaster movies have desensitized me to the reality of the earthquake and tsunami.  Having lived through the flood of 1986 in Butte county I would think I could feel something while watching water moving over homes, fires burning.   But it seems unreal, although I feel for and worry about the victims.  Many of us get caught up in our own personal, insulated, well-scheduled world and leave little room for the outside.  My heart goes out to the victims of this latest tragedy.

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